What has become known as "The Ricochet Gathering" is an annual festival of Electronic Music and fun, organized by Vic Rek and several Tadream members. The first 2 gatherings were at Okefenokee Swamp (reference TD's Phaedra album track), then in the Mojave Desert. note - this is info on the ORIGINAL Okeefenokee Gathering. It is OLD information. We may get around to updating it with all new info, but until then, contact Vic Rek for any info. |
2003.06.28 02:36 PM Update: Ricochet Gathering 2004 info
The Gathering At The Border Of The Marsh From Okefenokee - |
...A special offer from Vic Rek, Okefenokee organizer |
Details: WHAT: 3am At The Border Of The Marsh From Okefenokee. WHEN: April 9-13, 2000 WHERE: Okefenokee Swamp in Stephen Foster State Park, in southern Georgia |
Books about Okefenokee Swamp: Paddling Okefenokee : National Wildlife Refuge (Falcon Guide.) , available from Amazon.com Longstreet Highroad Guide to the Georgia Coast and Okefenokee |
Weblinks to Okefenokee info: Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Entry Great Outdoor Recreation Pages |
SwampPak 11, a special offer from Vic Rek to help fund The Gathering: |
Vic Rek <torque19@idt.net>
promote our upcoming Tangerine Dream fan Okefenokee Swamp event in 11 SwampPack 11 This one-of-a-kind package will contain 11 items and will include:
This SwampPack
11 will help cover some of the costs of hosting the event The price
for the SwampPack 11 is 29 Palms, where each Palm is worth If more
than one person is interested in this package, then I'll have a This offer
ends at 9am April 9th, Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5:00 |