Sad, sad news:

Edgar Froese, founder of Tangerine Dream passed away Jan.20, 2015. Sincere hearfelt condolences go out to his family, friends and fans across the world.

In addition to joining our tadream mailing list, we encourage you to visit the Facebook page for Tangerine Dream fans, called The Zest.

Note about this website: It is way out of date. If you have any questions, email me. is the hub for a worldwide online community of Tangerine Dream and electronic music fans in general. We currently communicate with each other and function as a community through our "tadream" mailing list. It is easy to sign up - just click the "Join Us" link on the left and follow the Sign Up directions. Through the mailing list and this website, we will keep you informed of any Tangerine Dream tour dates, new releases, media appearances, or other info of interest.

We have a ton of articles, documents and other TD items of interest in our library, and are constantly digging through inventory, organizing them to bring them to you here on this site, so click here to bookmark this page and check back from time to time. If you have anything to submit or contribute, please let us know.

This site also has archives of our group discussions since 1994 or so, plus links to many other sources of information about Tangerine Dream, past members of the group, and other EM artists.

If you have any questions, please feel to contact us.

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